There have been only a few times when I felt completely at ease in front of the camera – I would rather work behind the camera, styling or directing. And the shoot for this post was perhaps one of those really good times, I was not only comfortable but I felt quite confident and good about myself!
About the look!
I have been thoroughly enjoying my ASOS Design mansy blazer, that came with a fanny pack (which I removed for this look) and I got it in a larger size as I wanted to give that oversized look. I wanted to give an 80’s feel to the entire look so I wore just the blazer with a pair of black stockings. To break the rigidness of the main piece (blazer); the stockings and the hair accessories were used. For this look I worked with make-up artist Midhu, who is extremely talented – she gave a bold lip, with strong brows and a brown eye. We decided to go with a straight hair style, so the hair pins would stand out more and complements the blazer look. The photographs were taken by the amazingly talented Nadhuha Her humbleness and warm attitude made me feel completely at ease.
You can shop similar hair jewelry from Famushu Boutique

All images are a copyright of Famushu and no image or part of it must be used without the prior written permission from the author.