An old pair of unfortunate black skinnies had come my way sometime ago on a dreary rainy day in Male’, its original jet black was faded a little and it had a white spot on one of the legs, looked liked it was scratched there. I took it happily though, had in mind thousands of experiments to do with it and my hands were already itching to take up the jeans and turn it into something different (the DIY DNA in me shook up inside, the very moment I saw the jeans). So the next morning on an empty stomach, though feeling a high boost of adrenaline, I was at full swing DIY-ing the jeans. What were my equipments this time? – I was armed with an old brush, a bleach bottle and a pair of rubber gloves. I wanted to let the imagination and the bleach take its own artistic pattern over the jeans. It created a rhythm and a flow that looked like floral faunas or as of an alien flora species found amidst a space venture through an unknown planet – that’s what I love about bleaching and tie dying; they create patterns that are out of the world and the more you experiment with it the more there is to see.
After the bleach, a good wash and dry I slashed a few cuts across the knees with a scissor and let the threads around it come out stubbornly. I have a complete satisfaction after it was done. Bleached and tie-dyed denims are the recent hype around the fashion cities, though it’s something rare to see in Male’ of course which results in the same “What the?!†stares when I walk down the street. I suppose I look like half of an African Wild dog to them running back and forth. Or maybe I look like I’ve got white paint accidently splattered all over my lovely jeans. 😉 Oh chier!

ah the african wild dogs fur...reminds of the bleached patterns on my jeans, non?
image via
my bleached denims
If you happen to have any plans of Do-It-Yourself for your old jeans pairs and tees even, then you should go for it. Being a little different from the rest of the crowd is no harm of course. 🙂
Bonne journée
awesome pants!!!
think its gonna look great ven washed n the cuts are frayed
i use a razor blade tore n make em frayed
thanks 🙂 yep true a razor is ideal too .. i used a scissor but rubbed the edges to let the threads out and make it look grungy.
Angel..I think thts your legs..
hehe yep hasantey those are mine 😛 … at the moment i have to be a model for my creations .. hehe … i am the guinea pig of my experiments .. keke
I like the work on the jeans! Gonna try it too. Nice blog!