There is a new wave of aesthetics sweeping over the fashion world- designers, bloggers and brands are cruising through utilitarian design elements. From re-imagined trench coats to boiler suits, cargo pants, chest rigs, zippers and chunky footwear. Since last year, the runway was dominated with such functional elements and practicality doesn’t always scream pretty – yet, to me fashion is not supposed to be overly sexy and ‘gritty pretty’ is what comes to mind when I think of my ensemble for this post.
Here, I am wearing a graphic top that is similar to brand MISBHV’s, a chest rig (which I will definitely use when I travel next!) silver sunglasses from Famushu Boutique, black jeans from MissGuided and Black boots from ASOS.
Photographs by the very talented Maahy.

All images are a copyright of Famushu and no image or part of it must be used without the prior written permission from the author.